Freelancing is currently trending more than ever and one of the careers that freelancers are making a lot of money is web site development. Today, there are hundreds of millions of web sites on the Internet, with thousands been created on a daily basis.A good web developer will therefore always have work to do. The job of the web developer is not limited to just creating the web site and putting it online. They will have to regularly maintain and update the web site as the need arises. In more than 60 percent of the cases, getting a web development job will mean a permanent job due to the maintenance and updates.
Female web development freelancers are becoming more common, even though they are not as much as their male counterparts. The reason for this is that a lot of women are still scared of taking up web development, probably because they are scared of programming. This should however not be the case as Ada Lovelace, the first programmer, was a woman. The few women who have passionately and deliberately put in effort to learn web development are doing pretty well as employed IT staffs and freelancers. There are several of them who in the daytime under an organization and use their evenings for freelancer. They are also making good money.
If you want to start a career as a female web development freelancer, it is relatively easy, compared to starting most other careers. First you should develop a high level of interest in website development. You will then have to learn how to create websites. Depending on your speed at learning, you could have created your first good looking website in the second month, with the aid of WYSIWYG editors. Learning HTML, PHP, Javascript, CSS and other programming language for web development will take considerably more time. When you are confident about what you have learnt and about the web site(s) you have created so far, you can now start thinking of starting your freelance career.
For your career in freelance, there are a lot of ways to market yourself so that you can attract prospective clients and complete deals. One of the easiest ways is to register on a freelancing website. With this, you will be able to bid for projects or be matched with a client if you are able to meet up with their criteria. Within a short time, you should be getting regular web design jobs that will give you good earnings. You can also tell people around you, if you intend to limit your services to your local environment. Advertising on social media will also go a long way to share the word about your freelancing abilities.
The most difficult part of the whole thing will be keeping your customers. You should ensure that you carry out all projects as properly as possible. You want to impress your client and make them happy. With this, you could get an added job of managing the website as well as referrals.

Freelancing is currently trending more than ever and one of the careers that freelancers are making a lot of money is web site development.